Use these spelling word lists to improve your spelling
These spelling word lists will help you identify the most common errors. Use them to check your work and practice your spelling.
Note that not all these words are difficult to spell. Some are just very easy to misspell when we’re typing, and even a computer spell checker won’t spot them!
1. Words that are often confused or misused
Word | Meaning | Example |
Your | Belongs to you | Your bags are in the hall |
You’re | You are | You’re in trouble! |
Their | Belongs to them | Their coats are in the wardrobe |
They’re | They are | They’re going to Scotland tomorrow |
There | In or at that place | The spider is over there |
To affect | To have an influence on something | The noise outside affected his concentration |
To effect (verb) | To create | I want to effect a change in the schedule |
An effect (noun) | A change or result | The noise had an effect on him |
2. Words that are mispronounced and misspelled
February | Surprise | Eighth |
Forty | Schedule | Disastrous |
Vegetable | Miniature | Temperature |
3. Silent letters
Undoubtedly | Subtle | Exhaust |
Heir | Rheumatism | Rhyme |
Align | Design | Cupboard |
Mortgage | Bankruptcy | Receipt |
Acquire | Ascertain | Miscellaneous |
4. Tricky prefixes and suffixes
Dissatified | Misspell | Reelection |
Accidentally | Skiing | Forseeable |
Lying | Dying | Tying |
Trafficking | Disservice | Unnatural |
Disagreeable | Truly | Costliness |
5. Just tricky
Embarrass | Unparalleled | Glamorous | Guarantee |
Ache | Eligible | Grammar | Gauge |
Height | Laboratory | Leisure | Tomorrow |
Ninety | Fascinate | Opponent | Maintenance |